My Favorite dress | long, flowy, and lovely

I have many favorite dresses, but that one dress that makes me get filled with joy is something I’m, going to talk about now.

My favorite dress is long and flowy. It is blue. By blue, I mean the perfect shade of blue that triggers pleasure to my sight.

Blue dress

It has a little broad belt filled with mirror work, having a golden shade around the bodice. And, I love the way the flattering white shimmering net added to its sides. The shimmers flare up the look of the dress and add volume.

I rarely wear it. Yes, I just wore it thrice since I bought it. But I swear, all the three times I wore it, the sense of excitement and the feeling of love and joy I had was immense.

I bought this almost 3.5 years back from Taruni. in.
I feel I have blown my own trumpet too much now (bragging about my dress) but, I don’t know how to describe it.

long blue dress

The only way I want to describe is how I feel when I wear it, how excited I get to feel the texture, the silhouette, and the look it gives me.

I feel it makes me five times prettier than what I look in other dresses. I’m not sure if others find the dress so flattering as me. But I love every bit of it.

It has a sheer back with a very pretty embellished work on it, along with the mirror borders. The long and flowing silhouette hides my bloated stomach too.

I can talk about it for hours and still be left with a lot more to talk about.
It’s the dress that gets the most “Wow comments” when I wear it.

This is the dress I would never want to share with anyone. Yes, even with my elder sister.

It’s not special to me because of its high cost. I do not love it to show-off my pretty designer collection. But I love it instead because of how it makes me feel.

I feel celebrated when I wear it.
You can usually sight me in cute and comfy clothing.

And, this is the only party dress that I don’t get unease about wearing. It gives me a different sense of comfort and pleasure that my heavy can-can or layering silhouette dresses don’t provide me.

Joy in my favorite dress

I can walk around, jump, sit, dance, and play with joy and fun in this dress.

Okay! Now I would stop bragging about it. By the end of this post, I feel I can gear up for the cue card test of IELTS if they ask me to describe my favorite dress.

And of course, you can evident quite a significant repetitions of the word “feel” in this write-up.

It is maybe because I feel a lot about my favorite long dress. That’s what one feels about one’s favorite dress, I guess.

I do have many other favorite clothes but, this is something that I would be fond of for the rest of my life. Even if I get a prettier dress than this, I would still love it the way I love it for the last 3.5 years.

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